Evaluating Link Status with Link Research Tools

I tried the tools myself. You have to either sign up for enjoying full features or simply tweet it have a trial period. Instinctively, I tried the trial version first.

With this version you can use 4 tools only out of 18 available ones. Let me share you my experience with these 4 awesome tools.

1. Quick Backlinks

I did try my website and the result was simply awesome. The tool showed the overall status of my links such as proportion of follow to no follow links, sources of links considering domain, as well as the anchor text. See samples below.

sample showing link status

With this result I can adjust my keywords to what is required by Google. You can have a full view of your links covering 16000 of it.

2. Competitive Landscape Analyzer

competitive landscape analyzer

I don’t want to be blinded by my website’s performance. I must check how I stand against the rest of the competition. Through Competitive Landscape Analyzer I can choose my competitors especially those above. You can compare the website with the following metrics.

comparison by metrics

This tool compares your website to the total average of the 2 URLs you have entered.

Comparing your link status with your competitors will allow you to discover your strengths and improve your weaknesses.

3. Quick Domain Compare

With this tool you can quickly compare your website and your competitor’s website. I can see how far I am with my competitor. With this quick look you can create general idea how well you managed to compete.

compare domain

4. Link Detox Tool

This can be one of the best partner for Google Disavow Tool. Detox as you know is like cleansing your website. So, it will help you clean your website from low quality, suspicious links up to toxic links. It will help you identify your website backlinks from healthy, suspicious up to toxic Links and that is why it can be one of the best partner for disavow tool but also same for Google Disavow tool it is also an important reminder to recheck first the links before going to disavow.

link detox

There are 13 other tools you can check on for your website. It includes:

• Backlink Profiler
• Juice Tool (Bulk URL Analyzer)
• Competitive Keyword Analyzer
• Competitive Link Velocity
• SERP Research Tool
• Contact Finder
• Common Backlinks Tool
• Link Juice Thief
• Missing Links Tool
• Link Check Tool
• Link Alerts
• Link Juice Recovery Tool
구글찌라시 Tool


These tools can help in backlink profiling, competitive research, link prospecting, advanced link prospecting, link monitoring and site audit. However, to have all of this you need to incur a few dollars.

In general, we can say that this tool is not just for your link building campaign but covers all aspect of search engine optimization. It is important to understand the distribution of links as well as the level of competence embodied by your website. In such way, you can capitalize on your strengths and further improve your strategies to keep upbeat with the demands of Google or search engine as a whole. Lastly, indeed proper monitoring is a must to ensure success in your chosen industry.

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