There are a lot of SEO campaigns available for 2013. There have been speculations that linking in the internet will lose its ability in boosting organic rankings. Some said this year will be dominated by Social media, email and mobile marketing; however, these optimization strategies are mere support to links, because the truth is Link Baiting Never Dies.
What is Link Baiting?
You can find different connotation for link baiting, Matt Cutt said,
Brian Clark said,
Annette Simmons in her book said,
Three of them boils down to one impact of link baiting; that is the capability to hook and to trigger interest through high quality contents. By definition, Link bait is a feature in the website designed to catch an attention that will encourage users to link back to the website. In essence that is inbound link.
How Link Baiting Helps?
Boost Search Rankings
It is called a link bait because it can attract searchers. It becomes a major source of inbound links that help in boosting organic rankings. A user who liked or was caught by your bait can possibly link it (source or reference) to other relevant websites. When you are eying the content as your bait, make sure that you optimize it using the right keywords.
Traffic and Conversion Rates
Most link baits are contents in the website. When the bait is successful, it can be shared through social media, with recommendations. It will be added on your target market’s connections, friends or followers. In such cases, it will be visited by many users. When the bait creates a fuzz in a niche, it will be continuously searched through the search engine. Optimizing it well can increase traffic and raise conversion rates. This is how viral link bait can be. It can be a step towards high return on investment.
Catching New Markets
◦ The thing that goes viral can influence other markets to stay tuned at it. The share ability of a link bait can put your contents on unreached target market. Link popularity drives other users to search and investigate on what the crowd is talking about.
What Link Bait Works?
As you can see link baiting can greatly help in the most objective for SEO: high ROI.
Yet, how can you make your website becomes a hook for target markets?
- Creativity matters. When you are making contents as your bait for your website you’ve got to exhaust the following:
- Striking Data and Original Composition– make something that nobody else has published in the web.
- Controversial, Opinionated, Funny, Bizarre or any way that will make the content buzz around. However, it should be properly put in to words to avoid discrimination or demeaning of some sensitive topics. It will encourage them to give their own point of view about the topic.
- Capitalize on Authorship– when people think you are the best writer for a certain topic, your name will be included in every topic they will be searching.
- An Interesting Title– that’s when searchers you can’t simply help but click the link.
This components strengthen the shareability of your bait. When it is shared all the time, you can get thumbs up and recommendations. How can you do it? Below are the top ten list of how other bloggers formulated a successful linkbait:
So, guess it’s time to analyze your website and think of what will make it catch the readers. Get your bait and consider it an earthworm that are used to catch a fish, in our case, a big fish.
As a SEO Expert, the thing that I will emphasize on this strategy is your CREATIVITY. As long as you are creative in this kind of strategy you can get valuable catch and this will also support that link baiting will never dies.
Thoughts? Share it below.