“Great content has to be the foundation of any good site.” – Matt Cutts
As google algorithm evolves, the balance between authority and topicality is the most crucial issue in getting exceptional links or backlinks. An interesting question was raised.
According to Matt Cutts, there has to be a balance between authority and topicality. You cannot have exceptional links while having mediocre content at the same time. You got to have quality and authority. For example, Viagra gains fame through promotions, online advertising, automated e-mails, etc. They know that people or the users online want something about Viagra, something that is interesting and popular. So, they kept promoting. Most of us do not want contents that are less interesting like Newsweek or Time. We want something like Viagra. When in fact, having sites with authoritative contents are the best way to gain exceptional links.
You may want your content that is not only trustworthy and reputable but also you want topicality. You may want something for your site that is off-topic that most readers or online users could relate into. So, Google tries to find a good balance between authority and topicality. Not authority alone or the otherwise but the balance of both, a well-rounded site.
So, Google wants exceptional content to get exceptional links because it is truly impossible to get exceptional links from a crappy content. It is like you gonna be pushing uphills. It is so hard to get those links. As a result, you will be pushed to do some sort of campaigns that google consider bad or scuzzy, like spamming. 구글찌라시광고
It is better to have great content without causing pain to the web. You are going to get those links naturally. Then, you have both, great content and great links. One of the best ways to get a well-rounded site is to have fantastic, interesting and useful content as well as great resources and great information. And then the web will think that your site is interesting and that, it is important or helpful to the audience.