Choosing A Domain Name and Keywords Selection

Picking and selecting a domain name is not an easy task. There is a need of thorough considerations to make a certain website a success. Your consideration must start from knowing the range of competitiveness of the common keyword related to the products and services you are promoting especially if you are building a new site. It is also better to reflect one of your keywords as a domain name. For example, if you are in the flower industry based in the San Diego, basically, you may construct “sandiegoflowers” or “flowershopinsandiego” as a domain name. Anyway, what I mentioned are just examples. Well, Internet users who might be your future costumers may type “flower shop in San Diego”. I know that this really make sense because Google put a bonus to a more relevant domain. Hence, your site has a big possibility to rank easily and visible in the search engine ranking page. Remember always that one of the main ingredients to a successful online marketing is to have a simple yet memorable domain name.

As I noticed, when I am searching in Google or some other search engines like Yahoo and MSN, there are some websites which use a hyphen or even a multiple hyphen in the domain name. Actually, there may be a purpose of trying to emphasize that your site must be visited. Just like telling every user to open it and see the features or products inside. To tell you, hyphens could nearly kill the domain name particularly if you are making a main website. Surely enough, users could not even remember it especially if there is a combination of hyphen and non-hyphen words.

Another tip is to use a shorter domain name. As what I mentioned earlier in the first paragraph, one of the main ingredients to have a successful online marketing is to have simple yet memorable domain name. Well, simple is better.. and shorter is still better. To have a clear picture of my statement, prospect costumers will remember the short domain. As for me, I rather go for the shorter one because I don’t want to waste my time typing a “kilo-metric” domain(irritated of missing a single letter).

Keyword Selection – For A Successful Internet Marketing

We may be aware that keywords are very essential in making your site be recognized in Google and in some other big search engines like Yahoo and MSN.

Anyway, let us have a short explanation about the significance of keyword on the Internet marketing. In a simple statement, a keyword is a word or group of words that will be typed in the browser when you are searching for products, services and the like. For example, if you are being involved in a DUI case in California, you are really in need of a lawyer who will stand by you in your case. Probably, you will type “California DUI Lawyer” or “DUI Lawyer in California” . And the list of law firm sites will be visible in the search engine with their specific rank . Hence, the more specific keyword, the lesser the sites will appear.

Selecting a keyword is nearly thought-provoking and challenging. You have to get a keyword that has a high number of searches as well as low level of competition. There are many strategies that could be able to be applied for the assurance of the relations and likelihood of your site in keyword searches. You can use a keyword tool, whether free or paid. Well, I’m sure you will go for a free keyword tool. You can visit which is basucally free of charge. You may also consider on visiting the most popular free tool which is the Google AdWords Keyword Tool. This may sound an advantage to your part but you have to fix your mind that using a free tool may consume a lot of time. Thus, using a paid tool could give you more information and saves time.

Go for keyword phrases rather than a single word. You have to stick in your mind that keyword phrases could be ranked easier. Optimizing some sections of your sites is also important so you have to carefully select the theme or keyword basket to be optimized. Your site will start to rank when people , specifically Internet users will cite your page. So, make sure that every page is unique particularly the content along with different terms. As a final statement, a limitation of keyword phrases in every page must also be considered. Well, just target a maximum of two primary and three secondary keywords.

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