Google on making Videos for other Products?

Here is a video from Matt Cutts  answering a question asked by James from Netherlands if some Googlers can make similar videos for Analytics and Adwords like the one he made for webmaster help.

And below is the transcription for this video.

We have a really uh… phone question from the Netherlands.

James says, (and you know this made me feel really good)…

(Refer to the Video above for the posted question)

James, I could not agree more! So, there is an analytic YouTube channel that you can tune in to, so you might wanna check that out that a little bit. And uh…I’ve talked to various people… you know there’s Adwords Advisor on Webmasterworld, has answered thousands and thousands of questions, we do have webmaster forums. But I would love if we could get more Googlers out from behind the curtain where they’re really doing all the important work to talked about something stuff that they do cause there’s lot of great stuff to talked about.

I’ve talked to people in Adwords who are thinking about maybe starting a blog, Uh… the guy who is working about Map Spam was going to attend SMX’s Es so he can sort of absorb what people are interested in as far as spam on place pages and local and that’s for a thing. And I think that’s fantastic, we really wanna get more Googlers out there talking with the community, representing the company but also answering questions and you know passing that feedback on the people working on different projects. 구글게시판광고

Uh… I’ll keep pushing and I’ll keep working on it but, especially product like Google plus are nice because more and more Googlers are getting the chance to answer just very simple, very low profile questions, where they don’t feel that there is a lot of risk there, Oh! I know this answer and they can just chime in. And I think it would be fantastic if more Googlers are doing that, you know it’s wonderful to have these sets of videos, but the more people you have, the more communication you have and even there’s a misunderstanding, that’s OK, you just clarify or just do a follow up. So I think it’s only a good thing and I’d love to see a lot more of it and I’ll keep pressing for it and thanks for the suggestion.

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