Hubpages hit by Panda Update
On February 24, 2013 article from Search Engine Land: Google Panda Two Years Later: Losers Still Losing & One Real Recovery Panda update caused a “massive loss of traffic and revenue” for
On the chart below you can see how Hubpages (in the orange-colored line) is affected by Panda Update:
Hubpages Movement to Regain its visibility
• Going with Subdomain
It initially regained its visibility in the summer of 2011 through having each author publishing on her/his subdomain but according to the article Google Panda Two Years Later: The Real Impact Beyond Rankings & SEO Visibility that improvement is not highly visible now but CEO Paul Edmonson on his interview believes that there will be still a great future for this site through using subdomain.
• Presenting the Boot Camp
On April 22, 2013, Simone Smith published: Boot Camp: A Five Featured Hub Barrier to Fight Spam. With the new quality-related policy change, you have to publish five simultaneously-Featured Hubs in order to pass the Boot Camp. If you do not pass the boot camp, your new hub that does not passed the Quality Assessment Process (QAP) will be unpublished rather than being not featured.
• Rewarding awesome content writers
New Accolade for High Quality Hubbers indicates how creative, helpful and skillful a hubber is or simply indicating hubber’s ability in creating useful, valuable and high quality content. Based on hubpages you will first earn your accolade badge as soon as you reach the five featured hub minimum.
• Quality Assessment Process (QAP)
When you have decided to publish your Hub, its status will be Pending as it undergoes the Quality Assessment Process or you will be prompted with the following message:
Hubpages Experience:How to make your Hub having a featured status?
Personally I am just starting on Hubpages but I like this site since it is challenging me on how you can create a valuable content. I have able to have a featured post Allow me here to share my hub, it is actually about the Google disavow tool on how it can be the solution for penalties removal. How it got featured?
- It comes from various sources
- Inputted my analysis of the information I have gathered from different credible resources.
- Added some interesting videos and photos that is connected to the article
- Although the introduction is longer but I chunk it in order that it can be pleasing to the readers.
- Full of Substance wherein it is a material that can be one great resource in knowing about the disavow tool.
- It is actually about 2,416 words.
Simply a hub created to inform the readers about Google disavow tool.
Recommended by Hubpages:
One of my colleagues tried posting articles in Hubpages. Well, the article was written well, but the topic was not that unique and fresh. As expected it was unpublished a day after. If you think that Hubpages is your prospect, create a content that shows substantial information so that Hubpages administrator won’t have any reason to remove it. I hope to find you in the hub community.
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