Fight Against Spam: Penguin 2.0 and Penguin Spam Report

It may be Penguin 4 but Google referred to it as Penguin 2.0 because this a major update unlike with Penguin 2 and 3 which are just data refreshes of same web spam algorithm (Penguin 1). As this update covers variety of penguin algorithm depending on the language, we can conclude that the more there are web spam in a certain language, they can get more impact on the rolling out of the algorithm.

Penguin 2.0 does not mean to discourage SEO, it only boosts white hat SEO. It is a great move towards fighting spam. However, as this is still run by an algorithm, an automated function, or a robot, we can expect a margin of error. Matt Cutts warned that we may be able to see spam websites in SERP. And he asked for users cooperation to alarm Google about the spam website through Penguin Spam report.


It is easy and convenient. You just need to fill the information needed and Google will do its part in kicking out the spammy website. The latest Penguin update is expected to be more effective in providing a clean and quality result.

With Google’s provision of the spam report we can technically say, that users are now a part of Google’s journey toward fighting spam. However, it must be clear that the intention of Google here is for everyone to cooperate in protecting quality results. If your intention is to badmouth your competitor, you can’t simply do that. Negative SEO should not be involved in reporting. Google will evaluate the website. So, you just can’t expect that website’s reported will be penalized immediately.

As a user you must also judge accordingly. You must know how to distinguish a spam website versus cleaner ones. Check the structure of the websites, the contents, the ads and even the links. You know when a link should be there or not.

With all the updates and algorithm refreshes that Google is implementing what can we expect with Google SERP or SEO in general?

In using the form, we have to be careful also and validated that it is truly a spam website. Although it is going to be manually review but it can be a waste of time to the reviewer and  at the same time to you, since you can get nothing from it. So, for those who think that SEO will be sent to trash, I guess you are definitely wrong. SEO is weaving its way high above other industries. It will become more reliable and trustworthy.

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