What the Stats Say about Using Twitter for Online Marketing

witter has always had a lot of value; it was just a matter of the company figuring out how to maximize it in a limited format and become more profitable. The company seems to have taken some strong steps by opening up analytics information to its advertisers. That can make it a lot easier for you to figure out what is working, why it is working and how it can be improved.

Twitter has also pointed out the value of followers:

According to the company:

followers are 35 percent more likely to purchase from a brand or company they follow. They are also 47 percent more likely to visit a website from a brand they follow. In addition, 35 percent of Twitter users will be more likely to retweet content from a business they follow.


So, there is a lot more value to a follower than the fact that they may see information that you tweet out. As such, it stands to reason that online marketing strategies should include a little bit more emphasis on Twitter now that more information is available.

Twitter has made it easier to target users by basing your advertising times on what they are tweeting and helping to target users by different areas of interest or by geography.

Now that you can analyze how your different strategies are working with a free set of statistics, it makes a lot more sense to advertise on Twitter.

What can you say in 140 characters

In addition, you will be honing your skills when it comes to online marketing. What can you say in 140 characters? The more you market using the format of Twitter, the better you will get at pushing your key ideas forward in a short, to-the-point style. That can be beneficial in other forms of advertising as well, so there is some hidden value in becoming proficient with Twitter as part of your online marketing strategy. 구글마사지광고

When it comes to trying to build up your following, focus on helping the communities that your business is trying to reach. Whether they are geographic or interest driven, providing helpful information will make you friends and earn you followers. You can mix in the marketing, but make sure that you don’t overdo it and turn off your followers. You can also put forth your effort in just a few minutes per day by scheduling your tweets.

Today’s article is a guest blog from Lior who likes sharing about Google Adwords Help, SEO and the power of social Media. Lior is currently leading Yael Consulting which is a Los Angeles company providing online marketing services. He is formerly leading an online marketing campaign in one of the top advertising firm which has a goal of maximizing revenue.

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